Subject: midi ports
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kyle Farrell <>
List: port-atari
Date: 12/09/1996 10:32:34
has anyone had problems with midi devices hooked up to an atari netbsd
machine?  I've got the midi in/out hooked up for some programs I use with
TOS.  The problem is that if the midi devices transmit while NetBSD (1.2)
is running, the keyboard appears to freeze up.  I don't think the machine
is frozen (xclock & xload still run), but I can't get any response from
the keyboard or mouse. 

The only workaround i've got at the moment is to make sure nothing 
transmits to my TT over the midi connection.  Anyone know a better 
solution for this?
