Subject: Problems with fetchmail / smtp
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dirk Allard <>
List: port-atari
Date: 10/22/1996 20:43:24

I have the following problem: today I compiled fetchmail (1.8), a
pop-client, to fetch my mail. This client delivers directly to port 25
(smtp). Something is not configured correctly, fetchmail exits with
errorlevel 9 (error connecting or transfering to smtp port). Has
anybody an idea what to configure?

mfg, Dirk
GM of United 2+3 (Fussball-Manager-PBeM).
GM of GC 00x     (Space Opera)

Mausnet:  Dirk Allard@WI2 (no Mail > 16kB)
Fido:     2:244/