Subject: Re: help! Working falcon kernel would be nice...
To: None <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 06/15/1996 22:52:50
> Does anyone out there have a kernel which is a recent version _and_ Falcon
> friendly? I would like a kernel for a Falcon with no FPU, 4Mb RAM and
> preferably with only 2 views configured.
> I have been trying to upgrade to the latest version using the current
> snapshot uploaded recently, but it just refuses to work stably on my
> Falcon. *sob* So as a result of my attempts to upgrade I have gone
> from a superb working 1.1 installation to a broken 1.1B installation.
> The main problem seems to be with the scsi driver somewhere - I keep
> getting weird "some bytes stuck in fifo" and "dma-ready = 2" errors
> then the system hangs irretrievably. In addition to this it now
This is _bad_. If I am right, you are the fourth one complaining about
this particular problem... I have the feeling that it is somehow related
to the fact that DMA interrupts are now enabled for the falcon. I thought
the tests Markus performed on his falcon were thorough enough to drop this
savely into the release... I don't know if you already have something working
right now (It's 2 weeks later now), but what I can do is compile a falcon
kernel without DMA interrupts enabled and let you try it - drop me a mail
about it if you want to. This problem is also serious because it might
cause filesystem corruption (at least Dirk reported this) :-(
There is something strange about this problem. I seems to happen on _some_
falcons with _some_ drives. Does somebody know if there are hardware patches
in this area for the falcon?
> ignores the screen mode you set and always goes to an off center
> 640x400 monochrome! Argh!
> Having spent a little over 12 hours solidly trying to get this to work
> I am now a little frustrated! The original 1.1 kernel no longer works
> either, presumably because of changes to the programs - it now panics
> when you try and boot it.
> I'm beginning to wonder if it might be worth reinstalling 1.1 from
> scratch - if it weren't for the fact that I have a bunch of files on
> /usr that I need I would do so in order to get a working system. But
> they are on there and I can't tar and copy them off because the system
> then hangs or chokes on these scsi dma-errors. As a result of these
> errors I have already had several long sessions with fsck. :( Teaches
> me a lesson I suppose - should have copied the files off first! But I
> expected the upgrade to go smoothly. :(
Yeah, my tape streamer has saved me more than once.... However, there
is another escape. If you have the 1.1 installation floppy's and the
sets, you can install the most important sets. You only have to skip
the first part of the installation and extract by hand (the newer
installation set will also supply an upgrade option). Only programs
you updated that are in the set will be touched.
I think however that the most important thing is getting the (to be) 1.2
kernel to work solidly on your falcon.
> All I want is a stable kernel suitable for a basic 4Mb Falcon, no FPU.
> If anyone has one or could compile one for me I would be grateful! You
> can email it to me (uuencoded/gzipped) at this address or let me know
> how to find it. :)
Just drop me a mail....