Subject: install flops on
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 05/23/1996 12:12:36
Hi all,
As promised, I have uploaded the install floppies to Just
look into the directory: /pub/NetBSD/arch/atari/floppies.
I have not yet updated the install docs... The new installer is far more
verbose than the old one, so I think that together with some hints below
you will manage ;-)
- Take loadbsd from the original 1.1 bootfloppy
- Take the BOOTX kernel from, unzip it and put it
on disk or floppy.
- Create the floppies as described in the the 1.1 install docs
- execute 'loadbsd -b a:/BOOTX'
- When the kernel asks for a bootdevice, insert the floppy with
inst-11B.fs.1 and enter 'rd0'
- after printing some dots, the kernel will ask for the second floppy,
insert inst-11B.fs.1....
- The kernel will now ask you for a shell to use, enter <return>
- At this point, you are in the installer and I think (hope) you'll
get through.
Some extra notes:
- You don't have to use chg_pid.ttp anymore. You will get a nice program
to edit partition id's while you're in the installer.
- When you install/upgrade at least the base set, the bootloader is
installed on your root disk.
- You have to copy BOOTX to /netbsd on your root filesystem manually.
If you have questions/remarks, please post them on the list!