Subject: Re: Compiling Kernel (long!)
To: Andreas Kohout <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 02/11/1996 12:10:29
> > A couple of weeks ago the change was announced by Leo. I guess
> > it's important enough to repost for those who joined in later:
> aha, but the Mailinglist is not the right place for this. This should be =
> a =
> part of the kernel-src-README just as the FAQ (in FreeBSD LINT) and the s=
> rc =
> for the mount_msdos
That there should be an entry in the FAQ about the '-G' flag is probably
right. But that the mailing list is not the proper place to announce is
wrong. The -current sources are ment to be used by delopers. They are
constantly updated by various developers. Each Saturday or Sunday night
a snapshot is taken from those sources. There is _no_ guarantee that
these snapshots will build cleanly (although they mostly do). If you
want a source that is guaranteed to build and that is in sync with all
the binaries supplied, you should use the 1.1-release.
In other words, staying in sync with -current always contains a bit of
a risk that you need to compile/install other binaries outside the
kernel as well. If for example something changes in the proc-structure,
you need to rebuild the libkvm library and all that depend on it.
Currently the only program that needs update is mount_msdos, I see if
I can put it up for ftp somewhere.
> > So when you decide to update to the latest -current, please get the
> > latest sources of mount_msdos _and_ sys/mount.h.
> and sbin/mount/mntopts.h
> I fetch the whole sbin/ directory and try to =B4make=B4. In ccdconfig the=
> re is a =
> ccdconfig.c:73: `CCDF_MIRROR=B4 undeclered here (not in a funktion)
You should probably install a new include.tar.gz too. And run 'make install'
> > fd?a =3D> single sided floppy (80 tracks, 9 sectors/track)
> > fd?b =3D> double sided floppy (2*80 tracks, 9 sectors/track)
> > fd?c =3D> double sided, high density (2*80 tracks, 18 sectors/track)
> why not fd?.360, fd?.720 fd?.1440? Yes, I know I may link them ...
Actually, there are plans to make the floppy device auto-detect the type
of floppy inserted.
> /netbsd: nlist: No such file or directory
> /netbsd: _dumpdev not in namelist
> what about this messages? =
What program generates it? I guess it is savecore. If so, does /netbsd
exist and does it contain the booted kernel?