Subject: request: check your partition tables
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 02/09/1996 23:48:53

	As I announced a little while ago, one of the current projects is a
NetBSD/Atari bootblock. This makes it possible to boot into NetBSD
directly instead of first booting TOS and starting loadbsd. To make this
all possible, a change was required in the layout of the ffs-bootblock
(where the disklabel and part of the bootcode is stored). The new
implementation is going to be backward compatible with NetBSD1.1.

Some of you might remember the previous changes in this area of the
kernel (just before the 1.1 release) and the problems induced by it.
This time I want this change to go more smoothly and less hectic ;-) Therefore,
Waldi has written a little aptck-program. My request to you all is to grab
this program (
and try it out on all your disks. This program reads the disk partitioning
and interprets it like the upcoming kernel does. The options to the
program are quite self explanatory. For GEM users: at least supply the
'-w' flag. This makes the program wait for a keypress before exiting.

If this program shows any errors, misses partitions, doesn't find
the disklabels you have or shows any other output you think is
wrong, please report it!

Thanks, Leo.