Subject: PPP and virtual screens
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andreas Kohout <>
List: port-atari
Date: 02/02/1996 00:09:46

first my config: TT with TT-high and 2/8 MByte RAM - NetBSD 1.1R

two small questions:

I enjoy more than one virtual console. So I binpatch the kernel (I tried =
boot =

and GENERIC) so that getty my run on ttye0 and ttye1.

But how may I switch between the screens? ALT-Fn wont work ...

I try to setup ppp, and it wont work ... so I try first the serial-connec=
tion. =

On the other side there is a FreeBSD-box. I connect Serial2 (ser02) to cu=
aa0 =

from my PC. First I start an getty on cuaa0 with 115200 an use TOS/Connec=
t =

(SERIAL2), it works fine.

Than I try to connect with NetBSD (cu -l ser02 -s 115200) but cu terminat=
ed =

with cant send character (or so).

Now I start getty on ser02 and try to connect from my PC with kermit. But=
 all =

I can see if I hit some characters is ~x~x~~f~~~f~~~f or so ...

I reduce the speed stepwise till 9600. Sometimes I may write anything, =

sometimes there are so ~x~x~~f~f^ and on 9600 I may write but dont see an=
y =

echo. =

I think I need Help ...

Thanx ...

-- =

Gru=DF, Andy
                  Der Mensch hat die Atombombe erfunden, =

              eine Maus w=FCrde niemals eine Mausefalle bauen!                                     Zirbelnu=DFt=