Subject: Re: Building NetBSD
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Daniel Eriksson <>
List: port-atari
Date: 11/04/1995 22:48:24
Leo wrote:
> The 2nd option seems the best and if I'm right, it's quite simple.
> Change the first occurence of 'MOUNT_FFS' in the file src/sys/ffs/ffs_vfsops.c
> to "ufs" (quotes included!!).

I'll try this out and let you all know how things work out. Hopefully
my next posting will come from NetBSD and not from MiNT...

> Another problem came to mind. As you have a kernel supporting an
> fpu-emulator, do you have the emulator sources? I pointed you to
> where you should get them I think.

Yes, I have them. I grabbed the latest (fpe.110295.tar.gz) and they
compile just fine.

> To the other folks on the list that seek a kernel with fpu-emulation
> support: There is a small chance that it will be included in 1.1. It
> is not yet complete but it sure is workable - take daniel's Falcon as
> the working example ;-)

Apart from needing a bigger ringbuffer NetBSD runs just fine on my
FPU-less Falcon. The only problems I've seen so far is that troff
sometimes coredumps on me with an illegal instruction (f.e. while
formatting config.8) and that binpatch behaves a bit strange (still
under investigation).

Daniel Eriksson,
"Peacekeeping - it's not a job for soldiers, but only soldiers can do it!"