Subject: Re: Xarm32VIDC Problem?
To: None <>
From: Dave Daniels <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/20/2001 19:37:40
In article <>,
   Chris Gilbert <> wrote:
> Hmm, are you allocating enough DRAM for video?  I've noticed that my risc pc 

I have increased the DRAM to one megabyte (the maximum) and it
made no difference. The screen resolution I used was 800 by 600 by
256 colours.

I am running the 1.5 distribution kernel with a hacked version of
the old bootloader. (I had to hard wire in the physical address at
which the kernel is first loaded as the loader was overwriting the
RMA in RISC OS causing the machine to lock up.)

> doesn't actually have a /etc/XF86Config, I think it uses the mode currently 
> in use.  you might also need a /etc/monitor.conf file, it should just be your 
> moniter definitions file from RISC-OS.

I noticed that there was no XF86Config file on my RiscPC and X
works on that, but I thought it would not do any harm to have one.
The failure occurs with or without the file being present in /etc.

> As richard suggests finding the right panic would be a good start.

I issued the call __db_show_panic_cmd() command and the response

Panic string: (null)

I tried it a couple of times as Richard suggested and got the same
result each time. Is there any other way of finding out what happened?

Dave Daniels