Subject: Re: New bootloader for RiscPC+Kinetic available
To: Reinoud Zandijk <>
From: Richard Earnshaw <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/13/2001 00:13:20
> 'evening Richard and Chris,
> On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Richard Earnshaw wrote:
> > A bus_space DMA for IOMD would solve most of this, and it would be able to
> > handle Kinetic type modules cleanly. Yes, I know I said I'd look at this
> > before Xmas. Unfortunately, it's been pushed down my priority queue a bit
> > recently. I will get around to it somtime (promise ;-)
> Why didnt I think of that :)) hehehe.... yeah that would be a good place
> to do it in too yes... VIDC DMA stuff however doesn't use those calls
> though (AFAIK) and might need to be patched using the MD hook.
I hadn't been intending to add VIDC DMA to the bus_dma module, though it
shouldn't be too much extra work.
On a shark we de-prioritize allocating low memory (less than 16Mb phys
address I think) for non-dma purposes. On Kinetic machines we would want
to do similar; a positive side effect of this would be that we don't use
motherboard ram unless we want it for a DMA buffer or we have already used
up Kinetic ram.