Subject: Re: TODO list
To: None <>
From: Dave Daniels <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/25/2000 18:23:05
In article
   Reinoud Zandijk <> wrote:
> ne of the things that might be on the list is a replacement of the RiscOS
> bootloader. Not that it is that bad, not at all, but more that its then
> possible to have a uniform bootloader across all NetBSD/arm32. My idea was
> f.e. to look if its posible to use the NetBSD/arm26 bootloader and modify
> it so it will load NetBSD/arm32 on the RiscPC too. The idea behind this is
> that it is then not nessisary to have Risc/RC7500 to migle and set up a
> lot of TLB's etc when the kernel is allready running.

As the one who has been working on the RISC OS NetBSD bootloader
of late, my approach would be to see what has to be done to
integrate NetBSD/arm26 into the existing code. I should think it
would be a lot less work than doing it the other way around. To be
honest I cannot see anything wrong with the application !BtRiscBSD
or with the bootloader itself, btriscbsd, given that the program
has to run under RISC OS. If you do not like !BtRiscBSD you can
run btriscbsd by hand from the command line if you wish.
RISC OS does not use a disk-based bootloader so I do not think
that you will find a cleaner way to boot NetBSD on a RISC OS
machine than we have now.

Dave Daniels