Subject: 'warning : no /dev/console' at bootup
To: None <>
From: Jan-Uwe Finck <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/03/1999 21:24:27
The above happens after freshly installing NetBSD/arm32-1.3.2 from a
CD-ROM on my second IDE-Disc. It's a RPC600 with a ARM610 in it.
The whole disc is used for NetBSD.
The installation goes smoth, without any errors, even a
/mnt/dev/console exists (I checked before rebooting!).
The kernel for booting is the one delivered with NetBSD-1.3.2,it is
booted from ADFS::HardDisc4.$.NetBSD
I chose /dev/wd1a as root-device.
Any hint, anybody ?
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