Subject: RE: Games/craft 3.5 still won't work :-(
To: None <>
From: Gilbert, Christopher <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/04/1999 14:25:09
From: Neil A. Carson []
> On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Reinoud Zandijk wrote:
> > Thanks, that did the trick! I changed the `char sym' to 
> `signed chat sym'
> > and it worked ok. Is there really a difference compared to 
> other NetBSDs?
> > Why was this choosen so?
> Absolutely; char beingunsigned is standard to the architecture.

Didn't there used to be a flag to the compiler to make it use char as
signed?  (My memories are rather vague on these not having touched arm32 for
over a year)  There's quite a lot of software that assumes that char is
signed (or there used to be)


PS apologies if someone else has already said this but my email system has
been down and suddenly lots of messages arrived in a big batch this morning.

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