Subject: Re: VGA on the ARM
To: '' <>
From: John Lindley <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/23/1999 00:42:35
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Bruce Martin wrote:

> Has anybody out there implemented VGA on an ARM device (pref.
> StrongARM110) The main problem is that VGA cards nderstand x86, not ARM,
> and I need some pointers on how to get an ARM to communicate with an x86
> card.
> Thanks
>   Bruce Martin
As far as I am aware it can't be done. Simtec, who make the EBSA board,
have only managed to do it be including a sa hardware x86 emulator on
board to do the preliminary negotiation with the graphics card. Once it's
booted the card then communicates with the arm driver

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