Subject: Bugs ? and comments!
To: NetBSD/arm32 mailing list <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/20/1999 20:08:36
Hi All,

Since I run NetBSD, I've found a few minor, but sometimes frustrating
`features';  some maybe small bugs, while others maybe the result of some
louwsy configuration from my part (ahum).. 

Well, where to start... well, one of the `small bugs' is that my keyboad
sometimes generates `^@' characters. I dunno how to trigger this, but
pressing a key stops it. It looks like a sticky interupt bit? The
characters are generated at auto-repeat speeds and are inserted into the
buffer; i.e. pressing backspace deletes them... 

Next, my ea0 card keeps generating the error `ea0 : device timeout'
whenever it's quiet at my network. I've seen the source, and it turned out
to be a fix for rx-lockups.... well, eehh. does it really has to be a
LOG_ERR? How do I prevent this error being printed on my console? Verry
irritating when typing a message/editing sourcecode!

Finally (for now :-)) : how do I get NetBSD that far that it recognizes
the cursor keys and page-up/page-down in programs, say `less' ?

All these errors appeared in NetBSD 1.3.2 and in the NetBSD 1.4 release...

BTW: device ea0 doesn't seem to be able to recieve anything in
NetBSD-current (NetBSD 1.4D, 990617)

