Subject: Packages & KDE
To: None <>
From: Chris Cowdery <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/14/1999 18:56:02
I've just upgraded to 1.4 on my RiscPC, and barring the rgb.db and
fonts issue (might be worth putting the .Z fonts in a set somewhere),
all seems to be OK - well done to those involved.

I thought then I might use the packages system to install KDE and
mozilla. So I've downloaded all the packages, but now it seems that
I need the complete source too? Is that right?, if so, it's a long
time on a 33.6modem?. Also, if you do need the source, why use the
packages system at all, why not just build it from source? Why can't
I just install precompiled binaries?


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