Subject: Re: ARM7xx RiscPC boot freeze + FAQ entry
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/11/1999 10:36:07
On Mon, 10 May 1999, Mark Brinicombe wrote:
> > Is there a bugfix underway for booting NetBSD 1.4 on an ARM710 RiscPC? 
> I'll check. 1.4_ALPHA and 1.4_BETA worked fine on a ARM710 for me.

Strange! I've tried all versions; but only v1.3.2 works OK, even X. 
Versions 1.3.3, 1.4_ALPHA, 1.4_BETA, 1.4; even compiled 1.4 -current
without StrongARM support all die. 

All versions crash at the same point (as far as I can see). After
``secondary bootstrap ... mapping ....'' it dies completely. No `done' or

I've got an RiscPC600, RiscOS 3.5, ARM710, 2+16Mb DRAM, 2Mb VRAM, an
Atomwide Ethernet 3 card and a Linguinuity SCSI card (not supported :-( ).
Even without the podules, the system dies exactly at the same point. I got
the ARM710 when a frend of mine upgraded to a StrongARM. 

Removing the 1*2Mb DRAM doesn't solve it, but haven't tried without the
2Mb VRAM though. 

In version 1.3.2, I tried to declare my 2Mb VRAM, but I get ``disco'',
nice coloured bars with a blinking prompt.... but it run's OK. Could that
be a problem in later versions?

Do you need more details? Maybe you could send me a new very verbose
version of /usr/src/sys/arch/arm32/riscpc/rpc_machdep.c ? I've got a
completely compiled NetBSD 1.4 kernel here, so changing that file won't
take that long :-) Or even better, just mail me a chatty kernel; size
doesn't matter here.

I'll hapily send you the kernel-boot-log for NetBSD 1.3.2, but can't find

> > A note for the FAQ might also be the fact that having a 2MB SIMM in slot-0
> > won't work :-) It took some time for me to find out.... maybe a warning in
> > the kernel? or the kernel just picking the other simm for relocating?

> It's so long since I had a SIMM that small I had forgotten about that ;-)
A well, I bought the 16Mb SIMM with my computer (when it was expensive)
and just kept the 2Mb.

