Subject: Re: Xserver for CATS with wsmouse?
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/22/1999 19:43:59 wrote:

> >Are there any Xservers for CATS with wsmouse protocol support?
> >I'm still using XF86_S3V in the CATS CD-ROM and isa opms patch.
> >---
> Did you get this working with the 1.4alpha kernel and sets? If so how?

I'm using 1.4_ALPHA kernel and binaries built from 19990403
current source tree and the following patch:

I'm wondering whether I should send-pr this patch because
the "old" pms device had already replaced with wsmouse.
Izumi Tsutsui