Subject: RE: 64MB RAM in RiscPC
To: 'Stephen Borrill' <>
From: Gilbert, Christopher <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/16/1999 16:46:05
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Borrill [] 
> Should a single 64MB SIMM work in a RiscPC with a 1.3G kernel? One of
> my installations has added such a SIMM and now the kernel is panic'ing
> and complaining about pmap something or other (sorry to be so 
> vague, but
> the person on the end of the phone explaining this to me was 
> completely
> computer illiterate!). It might be a duff SIMM, but it was 
> sold as being
> suitable for a RiscPC; it wasn't just box-shifter RAM.

I vaguely remember something about this from a long long time ago, I think
that at 64MB or more you had to add a boot option of nbuf=500 or something
like that, this might not be necessary anymore, I can't remember.

Other possibility is to try putting the simm in the other slot and seeing if
it works then.  Does it work in RISC-OS ?


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