Subject: Re: Please help! problem - more info for those who want to know
To: NetBSD ARM 32 <>
From: Andrew Coles <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/19/1998 17:30:26
I've written down what exactly comes up when the RPCINST 1.3.2 kernel gets
up to the podulebus stage - I hope this helps. Apologies if the spacing is
incorrect - I copied this off screen using pencil and paper.
Thanks in advance for any help
(Yes, I've tried removing the card but I get the same apart from the 2nd
(maybe 3rd? can't remember) line
podulebus0 (root)
podule0 at podulebus0 : Cumana : SCSI II interface : SCSI-2 & CDFS
Expansion Card
podule0: not configured
ipl_bio=00108409 ipl_net=00108409 ipl_tty=00100000 ipl_clock=00100000
ipl_imp=00100000 ipl_none=00000000
spl0=ffffffff splsoft=ffffff7d splbio=00108409 splnet=00108409
spltty=00100000 splclock=00100000 splimp=00100000 splhigh=00000000
Data abort: 'permission error (page)' Status = 00f address=00000040
panic: permission fault in kernel by kernel
Stopped at 0xf00e33f0: ldmdb r11, {r11, r13, r15}