Subject: Re: ifconfig
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris Cowdery <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/17/1998 20:02:44
In message <> you wrote:

> Chris Cowdery wrote:
> > 
> > When my /etc/netstart tries to configure my network card, it gives
> > the error: SIOCGIFFLAGS device not configured or something like that.
> > 
> > I'm using the 1.3.2 RISCPC kernel from the ftp site and an Etherlan
> > 600 card as reported by the startup messages.
> > 
> Have you recentlyupgraded your kernel from a 1.3ALPHA kernel? If you have the
> device name has changed from eh0 to ne0. This can be fixed by renaming
> /etc/ifconfig.eh0 to /etc/ifconfig.ne0. The other thing to note is that you
> must ifconfig the card under RISC OS for either of the drivers to work. You
> can also remove ehbug from the bootloader options as the new driver does not
> require it.

I've upgraded from 1.2D as it happens, so I'd already changed the old 
hostname.ne0 to ifconfig.ne0. Its contents are as follows:
inet dibbler 0xffffff00
(the computer is called dibbler).
But none of the suggestions above have helped at all, so here's the snip
from the startup messages:

hostname: dibbler
configuring network interfaces: ne0ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS ne0: Device not configured.
adding interface aliases:

The card does work fine from RiscOS.

Any more advice gratefully received.

Thanks again,

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