Subject: APDL IDE Support
To: NetBSD/arm32 <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Howard MTHP Johnson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/12/1998 09:59:03
Has anybody got NetBSD to talk to APDL's ARCIN IDE interface? It's made 
by Bailden Electronics, who made ICS's interfaces. The only way I could 
get the old 1.2 port from to boot was to disable the podule 
with 'podule1.disable'. Unfortunately the 1Gb drive on my RiscPC's 
motherboard IDE bus is screwed, so I can't install NetBSD 1.3 until I can 
get it to talk to the APDL interface.

Thanks for any info.

Howard Johnson  AKA
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