Subject: Re: Connecting using pppd ...
To: William Gallafent <>
From: Mike Pumford <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/06/1998 00:14:04
On Tue, 5 May 1998, William Gallafent wrote:
> The most communication I've had with the outside world is a successful
> ping to the remote IP. This remained silent for over a minute before doing
> anything, and then successfully returned every packet. Trying to ping
> anywhere else (ie the nameserver!) gives packet loss 100%. pppd isn't
> giving any errors, and exits fine when killed.
> I hope that someone will know what it is that's missing/wrong in my
> setup - it must be something pretty basic in order to not be able to get
> as far as the nameserver, surely!
Are you running routed. This has a nasty habit of preventing pppd from
setting up a default route and giving exactly the symptoms you describe.