Subject: Re: podulebus communication functions
To: Mark Brinicombe <>
From: Stephen Hobbs <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/14/1998 16:55:24
On Sat 14 Mar, Mark Brinicombe wrote:

> Well its been fixed and I have reports of the amps driver working now.
> The question is how similar they are. They both use the 16550 chips so any
> differences are likely to lie in the address mapping of the serial chips
> and any interrupt control logic. If this information can be determined
> then it would be very easy to add it to the amps driver so that it will
> support both cards.
> The first thing would be to determine the location and register spacing of
> the serial controllers. If there are no special interrupt requirements
> that may be enough to add support. To get the info you either need to
> chase up someone at the Serial Port and see if the information is
> available or use Podule_RawRead SWI call to read the podule space and then
> look through it for signs of the 16550 registers.

OK, I'll see what I can do about that.

> Sadly there is not nice document that I know of that tells you exactly how
> to write a driver. In practice it depends on the hardware as to how
> complex the driver will be.
> However if you want help or have any questions on how the podulebus works
> I am sure I can help.

>From what I recall about the card, it is very simple, like the ADC chip and
the user-port chip sitting at memory mapped addresses, behaving just like in the Beeb. This is why I thought it would be a good starting point for me!
Quite what the user i/f would be like I don't know...

Perhaps if anyone else is interested, I might even get around to trying it!

Stephen Hobbs.
(Nearly) Final Year Electronic Eng Student. Brunel University, West London.