Subject: Re: Which linux is better to use
To: ALiddle101 <>
From: Mark Brinicombe <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/01/1998 06:05:00
On Sat, 28 Feb 1998, ALiddle101 wrote:
> I have searched the internet and found that there are three different types of
> linux systems which can run on the Acorns
> NetBSD
> Arm linux
> and RiscBSD
> which one is the best one to use?
Ok Well RiscBSD and NetBSD are basically the same thing. RiscBSD is
just NetBSD + extra packages precompiled. However now that NetBSD has
adopted a package system the distinction between the two tends to vanish.
As things progress you will find that RiscBSD will pretty much be the
better known name for NetBSD in the Acorn community. Asking which one is
better is just asking for advocacy debates ;-) It really comes done to
personel preference. They are not that difficult to installed so you could
just try them both out.