Subject: Missing documentation ?
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Lagrue <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/26/1998 00:45:11
I have just dowloaded the whole of the binary files for the ARM32 port of
NetBSD 1.3.

According to the Install file, there should be platform specific information
in the directory arm32/<platform>/prep. But that directory does not appear to
exist. At least, it isn't there on either the or the servers.

So where can I find the info that I need to get this system installed? It
isn't in the FAQ either.

FWIW: this is on a RISC PC with an ICS IDE installed. I have formatted a 1Gb
IDE disc to give a partition of 510Mb that I intend to use for the NetBSD

All help gratefully accepted :-)
John Lagrue
Web technician for Studio2 and general Internet nut

Computer: a device designed to speed and automate errors.