Subject: Re: RiscBSD on SCSI interfaces
To: None <>
From: Stuart Halliday <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/20/1997 12:20:20
In message <> you recently said:

> The release for the Developers CD ROM was done with two days notice, at
> the last minute, with no profit for anyone involved (apart from Acorn,
> probably) so what do you expect, especially as this was the first
> release where we made kernels with built-in root filesystems (to make
> the installation easier).

Hmmm. While I appreciate the amount of time you guys give freely to
RiscBSD, the copy on the developers CDROM was the first I'd come across and
of course I expected it to work.

I didn't know that it was a rushed job put together within two days did I?

BTW, I don't think Acorn did made a profit on it.

So if I was to give it an other go. What do I now need?
I'm using a RiscPC with StrongARM.

I don't mind downloading around 5Mb of upgrades via my modem from a web

Stuart Halliday - Web Manager of the
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