Subject: Re: 1.3 Alpha problems
To: None <>
From: Thomas Hoenl <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/19/1997 23:01:14
In message <> you wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Nov 1997, Thomas Hoenl wrote:
> > The boot-messages from the kernel display: em0 with UTP active
> >   Sorry, mine is connected, using the BNC connector. Dispite that,
> >   the network is working.
> Hmm, does it get this correct under RiscOS ? UTP is recognised by a status
> bit in an diagnostic status register on the card and the UPT flag just

eminfo tells me nothing, so the only thing I can tell you is, the
card is working within RiscOS and RiscBSD.
> > The 'show me the kernel messages' to get my harddisc information
> > (during install) displayed only rubbish.
> What sort of rubbish ? It does display a load of ^@ characters in reverse
> video to start with. There is norammly then a more prompt and you need to

Yes. Maybe I overlooked the more prompt. Sorry.

> go on to the next page before any real text is seen. This is due to a
> collection of 0x00 characters in the unused part of the message buffer.
> > How do I make the rc.conf go (apart from editing it). 'rcm' did not
> > remove the 'configured=NO'?
> At the moment you can't. rcm really need a bit more of an overhaul to
> bring it fully uptodate with all the changes that have occurred in rc,
> rc.local and rc.conf between 1.2 and 1.3


 _____  _   _
|__ __|| | | |  Es ist bemerkenswert, dass nur vielleicht 10% aller Pro-
  | |  | |_| |  grammierer Programme ohne Verwendung von Flussdiagrammen er-
  | |  |  _  |  folgreich schreiben koennen. Ungluecklicherweise glauben aber
  |_|O |_| |_|O 90%, dass sie der Gruppe dieser 10% angehören. (Rodnay Zaks)
  ... A bird in the hand is safer than one overhead.