Subject: Re: CD Writers
To: None <>
From: Thomas Boroske <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/05/1997 02:25:22
In message <> you wrote:

> Lets quantify this.
> Say one use a phillips CDwriter, with 1MB cache, and 300KB writing speed,
> and have an old SCSI I card, writing 1MB/s.

[ SNIP ]

> The SCSI card would only have to work at 1/3 of its capacity,
> which gives very large room for overhead.

Hmmm. First, you're forgetting that you need to read the data as 
well, ie make that 2/3.

I suppose you're talking about a software that makes up an image before
burning the data on CD.

> So, why is RiscBSD so bad at handling this?

Because RBSD is generally quite slow ATM (especially with SA), and 
there's also the task running taking time, background tasks etc.

Perhaps it's possible, but I don't think RBSD is the ideal platform 
for anything realtime at the current stage...

Kind regards,

Thomas Boroske