Subject: C++ runtime missing?
To: RiscBSD mailing list <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Miles Sabin <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/22/1997 12:40:52
I've been trying to use gcc 2.7.2's exception handling
(-fhandle-exceptions) but at the link stage I get,
Undefined reference to '__register_exceptions'
Undefined reference to '__find_first_exception_table_match'
which presumably ought to be defined in gcc's runtime library. I can't
find either of these in any of the libs from the comp set. Am I
looking in the wrong place, or are exceptions not supported in the
current ARM distribution?
Miles Sabin
Cathexis voice 01273 732338
letter 10 Pembroke Gardens
Brighton, BN3 5DY