Subject: Installing 'big' harddiscs.
To: port-arm32 Netbsd <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Wright <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/15/1997 00:37:17

What I want to do is use the 0.5Gig partitioned after my 1.5Gig RISC OS
partition on an IDE harddisc on the ADFS IDE bus. I had a go using
bb_riscbsd which didn't complain (error) but doesn't appeared to have

disklabel -w -r wd0a st32132a
disklabel: /dev/rdw0a: Device not configured.

I assume this means that bb_riscbsd didn't work.

I'm also assuming that this is a 'big' disc problem.

BFN, John
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