Subject: Re: Unlimit ?
To: None <>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/16/1997 19:57:42
> Hello !!!
> The answer to Q 7.6 in the FAQ ("I have plenty of memory, but gcc complains about "virtual memory exhausted" when it tries to compile a large source file.")
> says you can use 
> "limit datasize unlimited"
> or 
> "unlimit" 
> to remove the kernel's limits. 
> Now I've had problems with xv complaining about "not enough memory to ...", 
> and I thought this may be related.
> However, the limit command seems to be missing, as well as "unlimit".
> Did I miss a set, or is this a built-in, or what ?

The command is called ulimit and is either a external command (executable)
or a bash intern command.

try a 
	ulimit -d unlimited

> Also, when using X in 16bpp, I'm no longer able to switch to a console
> using alt-fx. Is this known (I suppose so), and is there a workaround ?

This is known, but it depends on the console device. I don't think anything
will change until a new console driver is available.

Ciao, Peter

|                                                                          |
|                            >>> FutureGroove <<<                          |
|                                                                          |
| Peter Berg                                       Music production &      |
|                                                  softwaredevelopment     |
| w3:                                  |
| email:                                      |
|                                           part time system administrator |
|                                                   at * |
| NetBSD kernel development                                                |
|                                                                          |
|     ########> "Nothing is as over as a missed opportunity" <########     |