Subject: Moving BSD to another harddisc
To: port-arm32 Netbsd <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Wright <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/25/1997 20:52:25

I've got BSD on a 420MB HD. I've got a 1Gb HD which I want it on.
I thought that the only way to move the swap partition (initialise
everything too) was to run through the install procedure again)

The last time I did this I had install disc 11 which worked first time.
I'm now trying to use install disc 12. Come to think of it, this isn't the
problem but it might add another factor to it.

I read the install text file. It says rd0a which I interpret as md0a. This
is right, yes. Ram disc changed to memory disc? I select 1440K as it's
size but, when actually booting BSD, it says 0K allocated to md0a.

It then throws me into the debugger. 

I think that's most of the information that's needed in a situation like

Also, I remember talk about the PowerRom being a problem but I forget
the way it was fixed.

To ellaborate: I get loads of SCSI-resets when BSD searching the podules
and identifies a ptsc SCSI podule. I then force a kernel panic with Ctrl-Esc
then something programs something saying the the podule with the SCSI card
in it doesn't actually exist so I can boot BSD fine.

BFN, John.
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