Subject: Re: bb_riscbsd problem?
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: RiscBSD mailing list user <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/10/1997 22:39:35
On Mon 10 Mar, Mike Clark wrote:
> Hi,
> I've recently installed RiscBSD version 1.2 and although it now seems to
> be running I did encounter some installation problems which didn't seem to
> be covered in the install guide or the FAQ.
> I have installed RiscBSD v1.2 on a RiscPC SA110 with 24MBytes of RAM and
> 2Mbytes VRAM. Before installing the software I had recently upgraded the
> original Conner 420HD to a Quantum Fireball 3.2 GByte 3200A on the IDE 
> interface. I also have an original Cumana CDROM on the IDE interface with 
> it's own driver board and the Acorn ATAPI drivers *unplugged.
> I formatted the drive with the beta HForm driver and of the 6232 cylinders
> I created a partition for adfs of 4969 cylinders. The problem cam when I
> ran bb_riscbsd
> This reported that there were 98DAE000 bytes -3352 cylinders (0--3353)!!!
> I ignored these details and instead used the value 4969 which fortunately
> I had written down during the formatting. 
> Is bb-riscbsd misreading the drive information and if so is this likely to
> have caused problems for me later? Forcing it to 4969 seemed to let me
> go ahead and RiscBSD does seem to be working at least with a base 
> configuration.
> Mike Clark,

I think this may have something to do with the filecore problems with discs 
>2Gb. For this reason I formatted my fireball to 1993Mb filecore, and the rest 
RiscBSD. (see Re: Installation problems for the next bit :-)
I couldn't get my machine to boot from the fireball when formatted to 2005Mb, it
gave a disc error on startup. Reformat to 1993Mb, everything is fine (it also 
makes the LFAU 4096 instead of 8192)

                                                                               Oxton, Birkenhead                     Merseyside, UK      