Subject: Re: Once again: 16bpp setting for X
To: Ale Terlevich <>
From: Peter Teichmann <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/05/1997 10:34:39
> > Some months ago I already described my problem, that I am not able to run X
> > with 32000 colours, and got the answer, that 32000 colours only work with
> > 1024x768 pixels, and that it wont work with other resolutions due to a bug.
> > But now I found that Peter Berg is able to run X with 32000 colours and
> > without problems, and asked him how he does this. But he did nothing
> > special, only the same as I. And the only significant difference between our
> > computers is, that I have 1MB VRam, and he 2.
> > 
>   I don't think RiscBSD checks that the mode you've defined fits into the 
> VIDCs pixel rate and data transfer rates.
>   I have a 1152x900 mode, and when I tried it in 16bpp it just produced 
> rubish on screen, however when I loaded it into makemodes, and tried to 
> set it to 16bpp it refused, giving a data rate of about 220MB/s.  I had 
> to take the refresh rate down to about 55Hz (far too slow) to get the 
> data rate slow enough.  When I tried this new mode, it worked.
>   Have you tried checking your mode as 16bpp in makemodes?
> (I have 2MB VRAM)

Yes I have. I use this mode in 16bpp very often in RiscOS. When I found that
800x600x16bpp does not work, I also tried 640x480x16bpp which should be no
problem, but I had the same problems.
