Subject: More Window managers, and other stuff.
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Adrian Gilby <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/17/1997 16:07:58
Hi there,

Well, I've finally managed to install RiscBSD and X. I've noticed that 
the fvwm installation expects to find X installed in /usr, whereas the X 
installation puts itself in /usr/X11R6.1. Is this a mistake in one of the 
installation routines, or is it just that everyone's expected to edit the 
fvwm config files?

Furthermore, can someone tell me how to quit X Windows if you ever get 
left with a blank screen and no xterms, and no way to bring any up (ie 
the mouse no longer brings up menus on the backdrop)?

On another note, are there any better window managers around? Something 
like the one we use on the SGs in college would be nice... And I can't 
help remembering that I saw a screenshot of RiscBSD running Xpilot... Is 
it actually available?

