Subject: Re: pthreads, ACE and COBRA
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Burwood <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/16/1997 01:22:17
On 7th Feb, 1997, Miles Sabin wrote:

> Has anyone ported pthreads to RiscBSD yet (Pete Burwood?) If so I'd be
> keen to have a play with it. Ditto with the ACE wrappers ... tho',
> given a pthreads implementation I think I could build ACE from the
> sources without too much trouble.

Okay, I'm catching up with things since coming back from skiing, hence
the late reply.

Yes, I have ported pthreads to RiscBSD. I sent Neil a copy just before I
went on holiday and he hasn't reported any problems with it. I haven't
sent my diffs back to Chris Provenzano yet (guess you can thus work out
that it's Chris's pthread package I've ported and not the PART one).

There was some discussion on one of the NetBSD mailing lists about a
replacement for Chris's package (an old version is in the libc tree),
but it was happening just before my holiday, so I didn't get involved.
I'll have to contact the person working on this to get an idea on what
is planned fully. In the meantime, pthreads is as good as anything else
apart from not being compatible with the final POSIX standard (Chris's
is based mainly on draft 4 I think). Oh yes, the version is 1.60 beta 6.

I'll send a copy to you (Miles) if you want. If others request it, then
I'll upload a copy to the ftp site soon.

cc: to Miles.
