Subject: Partitions
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <KLE@SWE.GPPM.DE>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/04/1997 10:01:37
Hi there,

is there anybody who knows, if it is possible
to partition a 3GB drive (2GB used) for RiscBSD
without backing up the RiscOS files ? I would like
to have 1 GB partition for RiscBSD.
For DOSes there is a tool available, for RiscOS too ?

Another problem is my SCSI DEC drive and Acorn SCSI Version1
controller. Together they work very slow although the drive is 
very fast and the controller can transfer data up to 2 MB/s.
But together they have a DTR from approx. 300kb/s writing and
500kb/s reading. Changing interleaving factor and reformatting
brought no positive results. Does anybody know what's wrong ?
