Subject: Yet another problem with Powertec
To: port-arm32 Netbsd <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Wright <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/29/1997 23:39:43
Today I took out my Morley ROM and put in a PowerROM by PowerTec (or
Alsystems, whatever), I tried booting into RiscBSD and I had a /little/
I have an IDE HD on the Acorn IDE bus for RiscBSD, btw.
During the startup stages, when BSD is listing the podules it finds, it
gets to the SCSI Card and repeatedly prints out (echos to the screen) a
word which I've no idea what it says. (Just like those Hello programs
you're housemate writes that fils the screen... :)
I assume this is PowerTec's fault but, what's up? I've got to moan at them
anyway coz the manager won't partition the bloody SCSI HD, stupid thing,
but that's staying RISC OS, so that doesn't matter much.
BFN, John.