Subject: Re: Mounting DOS media (was: RE: some problems...)
To: Markus Baeurle <>
From: Mark Brinicombe <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/03/1997 18:40:44
On Sun, 29 Dec 1996, Markus Baeurle wrote:
> Hi there!
> In message <>
> Mirko VIDOVIC <> wrote:
> > >Whats the zip formatted to? if it's msdos try:
> > >mount -t msdos /dev/sd0c /mnt/zip
> > >make sure the /dev/zip directory actually exists
> > That's why I've done but it doesn't seem to work :-(
> Well does mounting DOS media work for anybody?
> Can anybody who must know tell us whether it is supposed to work or not?
> I mean DOS floppies work but I doubt one can conclude from that for disk-type
> things like MOs, phasechange-media or ZIP disks, especially as floppies don't
> have a partition table AFAIK.
> I tried to mount a phasechange-medium formatted with Adaptec's afdisk (maybe
> this makes a difference) some time ago as either /dev/sd1a or /dev/sd1c and got
> similar errors.
> So long, Markus
Ok one problem that does exist is the partition table. RiscBSD does not
understand MSDOS partition tables.
Although there is an MSDOSFS filesystem it needs the actual partition the
filesystem is on.
With floppies there is no partition table as the whole floppy is always 1
MSDOS filesystem so these can be mounted.
Harddiscs etc. that have partition tables will give problems as RiscBSD
does no understand MSDOS partitions and thus cannot implement them so all
you all you have is the /dev/xx?c which is always the whole disc.
What needs to be done is the disksubr.c code in sys/arch/arm32/arm32 should
be extended to recognise a MSDOS partition and to fake a disklabel that
describes the DOS partitions.
Really this should perhaps be MI somewhere rather than MD as this is not
just a problem from RiscBSD.
Mark Brinicombe
Research Associate
Department of Physics tel: 0171 873 2894
King's College London fax: 0171 873 2716