Subject: Re: Comp.sys.acorn.riscbsd
To: Robert Black <>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/06/1996 15:08:29
> On Dec 5, 12:12pm, Daniel Brown wrote:
> > Subject: Comp.sys.acorn.riscbsd
> > The newsgroup idea has a lot to recommend it, for a number of reasons.
> >
> > Firstly, the traffic on the mailing list already runs in threads -
> > conversations surrounding problems raised by subscribers fit nicely into
> > the newsgroup structure.
> >
> > Secondly, it'd increase the profile of the project as a whole, which would
> > on balance be a good thing...
> >
> > The procedure for the creation of a comp.* newsgroup seems fairly formal,
> > but would likely be worth enduring.
> Scott (our news guru) is looking into what can be done. Watch this space...
> Cheers

I think this idea is *NOT* as good as you might think, because I for
instance read all ATM offline, and I think I'm not the only one who does so.
A newsgroup would cause that I have to do all online, and this will be very
fast expensive, according to the traffic this mailinglist sometimes has.

As long as there is no way to connect the mailinglist *and* the newsgroup
I think this will not be the best solution.

Ciao, Peter

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