Subject: Todo (was: Xinst)
To: Hunter, James M YORK,IT <>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/15/1996 20:13:29
> Maybe there should be a list of things that need to be written/done.
> Any thoughts?

Here is what I think what could be done:

fdisk	partitioning tool for the HD's (console)
adfs	ADFS Filesystem driver for floppys and HD's
midi	DMI50 tty driver
vidclib	like the svgalib on PC's, to make programs able to bring some graphics
	on the screen without a huge and slow windowing system
xusers	user managment under (X11) (ATM I'm working on it)
xnet	network manager (X11)
xfsm	filesystem manager (X11)
ftpfs	a driver which converts a ftp connection into a local filesystem
remu	RiscOS emulator (console only at the beginning)

... and many more.

This should be enough for the moment.

Ciao, Peter

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