Subject: Re: Creating a StrongARM Bootdisc.
To: Daniel Brown <>
From: Jasper Wallace <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/14/1996 11:48:12
On Wed, 13 Nov 1996, Daniel Brown wrote:

> Dear Folks,
> Just spent the last little while trying to get RiscBSD up and running on
> the RPC. I've been following the 1.1 instructions, replacing bits and bats
> with the SA-aware 1.2-release kernels, and inst images.
> If I create a bootdisc by
> format :0 DOS/Q
> misc.flopwrite -t=1440 inst-12/fs

flopwrite writes directly to the floppy  - you don't need to bother
formatting it.

> and everything stops.
> I presume I'm not creating the bootdisc properly - any hints and tips on
> what I've got wrong?

does flopwrite say things as it writes the disc? - and the killer question -
did you unzip the disc image?

Jasper Wallace-Internet Vision | Caving-Acorn-RiscBSD-Chocolate-Banks-Fish
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