Subject: Re: Upgrading to v1.2
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Black <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/11/1996 10:29:27
On Sep 10,  7:43pm, Mark Brinicombe wrote:
> Subject: Re: Upgrading to v1.2
> >When I upgrade my system to v1.2 is it necessary to recompile all programs
> >or is it enough to relink them only.
> >(This would save much time !)
> In conclusion ;-) recompiling is probably unnecessary as there have been no
> significant compiler change (you can wait for GCC 2.8.0 before thinking about
> that). Relinking is perhaps more desirable as it could fix a number of bugs
> lurking binaries but 1.1 binaries should in practice run just as well under
> as they did under 1.1

The exception to this is anything which uses X header files or imake because
the X11 paths have changed and these can get compiled into binaries. It depends
how the programs are written whether this will affect them, but X apps are more
likely to die horribly at some inopportune moment (such as bringing up the save
dialogue) if the config is wrong than other apps. If you don't want to do a
full recompile, make sure you test things thoroughly. All X apps should be at
minimum relinked because there were serious bugs in the previous release of the


