Subject: Re: SCSI vs IDE for RiscBSD
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Black <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/13/1996 18:15:20
On Aug 13, 5:01pm, Neil Hoggarth wrote:
> Subject: Re: SCSI vs IDE for RiscBSD
> On Tue, 13 Aug 1996, Stuart Bell wrote:
> > The problem with IDE drives on the Risc PC isn't the speed that they can
> > deliver, nor the speed of the RPC bus, but, of course, the speed of the
> > on-board IDE interface. The Yellowstone RapIDE i/face is now 140ukp inc
> > but is it supported by RiscBSD?
> The FAQ says that it isn't, and that it isn't likely to be in the near
> future as (i) they will not lend one to the kernal team and (ii)
> technical details on how to drive it are only available at a price,
> and possibly only under the terms of a non-disclosure agreement (which
> would complicate things by precluding the release of the source code
> to any driver which the kernel team write for it).
Oops, that is way out of date. There is a card supposed to be on its way to
Mark with some documentation (which was the main sticking point). I don't know
what the NDA situation is but at least we'll be able to release object files...
Mark: Whats the latest news?