Subject: Re: PD drive (was Re: Unsuccessful attempt on 1.2...)
To: None <A.I.Terlevich@DURHAM.AC.UK,>
From: Kjetil Bernhard Thomassen <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/12/1996 14:32:01
> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 1996 10:52:52 +0100 (BST)
> From: Ale Terlevich <A.I.Terlevich@DURHAM.AC.UK>
> On Mon, 12 Aug 1996, Phil Radden wrote:
>> With only a reasonable amount of fiddling I managed to get RiscBSD working
>> on Cumana SCSI II and PD drive (1.1+X16, not 1.2beta) - except unixfs which
>> resolutely refuses to write to anywhere without crashing the machine...
>> But the main thing about it is that it is SLOW. Very. Even in 8Mb you are
>> better off with no swap than swap on the PD, which is fair enough given the
>> PD write-speed...
>> But, IIRC, reading speed is comparable to HD, although seek/write is much
>> slower. Despite this, during startup etc. the system often freezes for
>> extensive disk activity when it should only be reading/minimal seeking (due
>> to optimisation). Is this a lost cause, or can I improve anything?
>> Obviously I'm saving for a SCSI HD... :)
> I think you'll find that the porblem isn't with the drive, but with the
> kernel driver for the Cumana SCSI II card.
> IIRC it's still in a very embrionic stage of development and doesn't
> work on interrupts but polls the card instead. This makes if very slow
> (I get no more that a few hundred K per sec transfer rate on my SCSI HD)
> and a complete CPU hog. X is certainly unnusable when my SCSI disk is being
> used as the mouse becomes too jerky!
> I would like to say that I think the kernel team have their priorities
> right though. I think it's more important to get the software running
> properly with large amounts of hardware supported efficiently than to log
> every single change that happens to the WWW site. After all everyone who
> installs RiscBSD is advised to subscribe to this mailing list, and all
> answers can be found here.... :)
I do not want all changes logged.
All I want is a list of who is doing what, and what is the rough
progress on each device driver:
Cumana scsi driver, done by: so-and-so person
Then one of these (or similar)
- Waiting to start
- Started
- Work in progress
- Working, but not optimized
- Optimized
- Released as alpha in ...
- Released as beta in ...
- Released in ...
Something like that would be nice.
I also think that the kernel team should concentrate on coding,
but getting the following information updated should take too
Kjetil B.