Subject: Fireballs / New Q for the FAQ (was Re: Install problem!!!)
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bernhard Mogens Ege <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/18/1996 12:09:32
>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Black <> writes:
Robert> On Jul 12, 1:32am, Frederic AIDOUNI wrote:
>> Subject: Install problem!!! Hi there!
>> I've tried to install RiscBSD tonight, for the fourth time... I
>> explain :
>> My hardware config is 16mb+1mb(VRAM) 2 IDE discs : - Master is 540mb
>> Quantum MAVERICK 0-1023 cyl. for Risc OS - Slave is 1280mb Quantum
>> FIREBALL (2484cyl - 16heads - 63s/t) 0-1023 cyl. for Risc OS
Robert> Oh dear, someone else with a fireball... I have a fireball and
Robert> it gives me all sorts of problems under RiscBSD (it seems to be
Robert> too fast for the driver and tickles every race condition in
Robert> sight). I can't get RiscOS to talk to it at all (probably my
Robert> master causing trouble). The good news is that as I have one of
Robert> these drives the problems *will* get fixed :)
I have such a HD, too (the Quantum Fireball 1.28Gb), but I have never
had any problems with it at all. I have installed it as my master (cdrom
as slave) and formatted it to give 511Mb to RiscOS and the rest to
RiscBSD. Since I havent got problems, could that have anything to do
with my upclocking of my 610 (from 30MHz to 40MHz)? I have tried nearly
all kernels released since 3563 (or there about).
Hardware: rpc600, 32Mb RAM, 1Mb VRAM, Quantum 1.28Gb HD, Panasonic 4x
CDROM drive, noisy PSU.
>> My goal was to install RiscBSD 1.1beta on the FIREBALL after the Risc
>> OS partition so I run BB_RISCBSD and tell it I want to start my
>> RiscBSD partition at cyl. 1024. After that, I made the root floppy
>> as said in the install guide, ran
>> BtRiscBSD
>> with kernel 4163.
Robert> Right, the fireball just plain doesn't work (reliably hangs in
Robert> disk access) with kernels prior to about atapi-4281. Try using
Robert> atapi-4339.
>> ...... All the install seems nice (offset at cyl. 1024, size
>> 1460cyl., swap 80cyl., root 80cyl.). I ran /usr/local/sbin/inst,
>> load BASE, MISC, ETC, TCSH sets in distribution directory, pushed 5,
>> 6, and 7!!!!! (verifications, and installation) A that point all went
>> great, but, the decrunching stopped in the middle
>> (aprox.
>> ) of localzone directory. I wait about 2 minutes, and pressed
>> CTRL-C... I ran FSCK which reports various (not written down,
>> sorry), so I tell it to make the filing system clean. I halt, reboot
>> RiscBSD (on WD1 this time) and my usr partition was... empty...
Robert> Did you come up in single user mode? (prompt for a shell name
Robert> rather than a login prompt). If you did /usr probably isn't
Robert> mounted. To fix this and stay in single-user mode do
Robert> fsck -p mount -u / mount -a
Robert> (note for Mark: FAQ?)
>> I repeat this four time, it crashes in localzone directory again and
>> again... (not on the same file!)....
Robert> Yup, been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. It tends to do
Robert> this from time to time with other drives as well (the slower the
Robert> drive, the less often you see it seems to be the rule). This has
Robert> been fixed so get yourself a newer kernel.
>> I have reformatted my FIREBALL (512 cyl.) and locate RiscBSD
>> partition on the cyl. number 512, it doesnt changed anything...
>> Ok, I'm *very* far of being a unix guru!!!! So, could someone help
>> me???!!
Robert> Well, I hope this has helped.
Robert> Cheers
Robert> ROb
Robert> --