Subject: Fireballs / New Q for the FAQ (was Re: Install problem!!!)
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Black <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/12/1996 10:57:49
On Jul 12,  1:32am, Frederic AIDOUNI wrote:
> Subject: Install problem!!!
> Hi there!
> I've tried to install RiscBSD tonight, for the fourth time... I explain :
> My hardware config is
> 16mb+1mb(VRAM)
> 2 IDE discs :
> - Master is 540mb Quantum MAVERICK
>   0-1023 cyl. for Risc OS
> - Slave is 1280mb Quantum FIREBALL (2484cyl - 16heads - 63s/t)
>   0-1023 cyl. for Risc OS

Oh dear, someone else with a fireball... I have a fireball and it gives me all
sorts of problems under RiscBSD (it seems to be too fast for the driver and
tickles every race condition in sight). I can't get RiscOS to talk to it at all
(probably my master causing trouble). The good news is that as I have one of
these drives the problems *will* get fixed :)

> My goal was to install RiscBSD 1.1beta on the FIREBALL after the Risc OS
> partition so I run BB_RISCBSD and tell it I want to start my RiscBSD
> partition at cyl.
> 1024.
> After that, I made the root floppy as said in the install guide, ran
> with kernel 4163.

Right, the fireball just plain doesn't work (reliably hangs in disk access)
with kernels prior to about atapi-4281. Try using atapi-4339.

> ......
> All the install seems nice (offset at cyl. 1024, size 1460cyl., swap 80cyl.,
> root 80cyl.).
> I ran /usr/local/sbin/inst, load BASE, MISC, ETC, TCSH sets in distribution
> directory, pushed 5, 6, and 7!!!!! (verifications, and installation)
> A that point all went great, but, the decrunching stopped in the middle
> ) of localzone directory. I wait about 2 minutes, and pressed CTRL-C...
> I ran FSCK which reports various (not written down, sorry), so I tell it to
> make the filing system clean. I halt, reboot RiscBSD (on WD1 this time) and
> my usr partition was... empty...

Did you come up in single user mode? (prompt for a shell name rather than a
login prompt). If you did /usr probably isn't mounted. To fix this and stay in
single-user mode do

fsck -p
mount -u /
mount -a

(note for Mark: FAQ?)

> I repeat this four time, it crashes in localzone directory again and again...
> (not on the same file!)....

Yup, been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. It tends to do this from time
to time with other drives as well (the slower the drive, the less often you see
it seems to be the rule). This has been fixed so get yourself a newer kernel.

> I have reformatted my FIREBALL (512 cyl.) and locate RiscBSD partition on the
> cyl. number 512, it doesnt changed anything...
> Ok, I'm *very* far of being a unix guru!!!! So, could someone help me???!!

Well, I hope this has helped.


