Subject: Re: Misc Questions
To: Mark Brinicombe <>
From: Scott Stevens <s.k.stevens@IC.AC.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/26/1996 10:48:06
Mark Brinicombe writes:
> >This also happens to me from time to time on my 1GB drive connected to a
> >Cumana SCSI-II card, so this problems is not at all restricted to the
> >Powertec card. The drive is shared between Risc OS and RiscBSD.
> >OTOH, other people say it has never happened to them and I really can't
> >track down when it happens.
> >
> >By the way, any chance that the Cumana driver will get faster in the
> >nearer future?
> I'll ask scott about this. I have not used much SCSI myself so I have not
> noticed any problem.
I've not noticed this. Since the driver itself doesn't know where the
disk label is (or even *what* a disk label is). The only way I can see
that it would trash it is by a corrupted command. Now if you consider
the size of the disklabel ( 1 sector ? ) with the whole disk ( > 2e6
for a 1 Gb drive) then the odds are slim. The most likely thing I can
see is that the RiscOS and RiscBSD partitions overlap slightly (ie at
the disklabel), this would work for a while until RiscOS decides to
use the very end of its disk. Perhaps this senario is worth
> Cheers,
> Mark
Cheers Scott
Scott Stevens, Network Services Group, Computer Centre, Imperial College
"Ah, that's awful, man. When a woman screws you up so bad you want to
become a squirrel." - Cat, Red Dwarf