Subject: Re: perl
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/18/1996 22:25:19
>>>>> > == prlw1@CUS.CAM.AC.UK (Patrick Welche) wrote:

	>> Does anyone remember there being any doubts about the perl
	>> set? I am just wondering why a script that works under
	>> solaris doesn't work under riscbsd, giving a floating
	>> point exception.

This problem is not only in perl. It also occures in some compiled c programs
(xplot, ...), some tcl/tk programs (tkdesk, ...) ...

I think this is a problem in the FPE and/or in the kernel.
... very frustrating , really !

Ciao, Peter

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